a restorative justice music documentary
directed by Lane Michael Stanley
produced by Lowell Blank
Watch the promotional video for Quentin Blue.
In 2014, the band Quentin Blue was formed inside of San Quentin State Prison by men serving life sentences. In 2020, three band members were released and came to the same sober home in Los Angeles, where they have re-formed the band and are now using music as part of their healing and reintegration into society.
Quentin Blue consists of three members: Richie Morris (guitar, vocals, served 34.5 years), Dwight Krizman (drums, bass, sound engineer, served 17.5 years), and Billy Harwood (keyboards, guitar, vocals, served 16 years).
While they are still very much grounded in the realities of what brought each of them to prison decades ago, this is a bright, vibrant group of creatives who tease each other, make inside jokes, and finish each other’s stories. The film will focus on the story of the band and their work to record their album and start playing gigs, but we will learn more of each man’s story, and travel to San Quentin State Prison to interview band members who are still incarcerated.
This documentary explores the power of restorative justice, what real accountability might look like, the healing potential of music, and how communities can welcome returned citizens as their neighbors.
We have completed our short film version of Quentin Blue! We premiered the film inside San Quentin on January 8, 2024 - read Lane’s article for Talkhouse on the experience of this premiere.
We are still filming and raising funds for a feature-length version of Quentin Blue.
We can accept tax-deductible contributions through our fiscal sponsor Film Independent. Your donations can earn you the following credits in the feature film:
-$100 and above: Special Thanks
-$1,000 and above: Associate Producer
-$2,500 and above: Executive Producer
“Walking the Yard in Street Clothes: Premiering Quentin Blue Inside San Quentin,” Talkhouse.
“A Look Inside the Upcoming Restorative Justice Documentary Quentin Blue,” The Film Fund.
The Film Fund Pitch Competition Winner, 2023.